How would you depict the Injustice below visually?

I am looking for a striking visual image to help people grasp the injustice described below. Any suggestions? Note: In the following explanation I have sought to avoid common Christian and missionary terminology. Suggestions for improving this explanation are also welcome. THE GREATEST INJUSTICE? • Father God promised Abraham that every family line on earth […]

How would you depict the Injustice below visually? Read More »

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Exciting Progress Have you sensed the quickening pace of God’s unfolding purpose? Like the end of a relay race or the last minutes of a championship game, God’s global purpose is nearing a historic milestone. In Genesis 12, God promised to bless all the families of the earth. And in the Great Commission of Mt

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Amidst the increasing turmoil of our world, God has been quietly accelerating the unfolding of His unchanging purpose. I summarized one facet of this in one of my articles in the current Mar/Apr issue of Mission Frontiers, then expanded that article in a sharable PDF file here. The chart above represents the data for the

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